International Migration and its Link to Peace, Security, and Sustainable Development

2 credits / 6 weeks weeks
11 Nov 2024 - 22 Dec 2024

Professor Adriana Salcedo

The planet is experiencing an unprecedented level of human mobility (i.e., migration within countries, internal displacement, emigration, and refugee movements). During the first two decades of this century, we have witnessed one of the highest levels of human mobility since the Second World War, with more people living in a country other than the one in which they were born. The number of international migrants worldwide continued to grow, reaching 281 million in 2020, up from 244 million in 2015, 222 million in 2010 and 173 million in 2000. Thus, in 2020, international migrants comprised 3.5 percent of the global population, compared to 2.8 percent in the year 2000 (UNDESA, 2020).

Moreover, never since the creation of the United Nations have international migration and large-scale refugee movements been higher on the multilateral and UN agenda or a subject of such intense debate at national, regional and international levels. UNHCR (2022) estimated that, by the end of 2022, different countries around the world hosted roughly 35.2 million refugees (including 5.4 million asylum-seekers). The dynamics of globalization, urbanization, violent conflict and wars, combined with ever-worsening climate change and environmental degradation, among others, have contributed significantly to the increase in human mobility worldwide.

This introductory course offers a broad overview of the scale of international migration, the underlying drivers, as well as the challenges it poses in today’s world, including for peace, security and sustainable development. Students will become familiar with the relevant international and regional legal frameworks in this area, the main actors involved in addressing today’s large-scale movements of refugees and migrants, the global mechanisms in place ‘to improve the international governance of migration,’ including the 2016 New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants, the 2016 Global Compact on Safe, Or

Adriana Salcedo



Head and Assistant Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Academic Coordinator of M.A. in International Peace Studies and M.A. in International Peace Studies with specialization in Media, Peace and Conflict Studies programmes

Dr. Adriana Salcedo currently serves as Head of the Peace and Conflict Studies Department at the University for Peace in Costa Rica and Academic Coordinator of the Masters in International Peace Studies (IPS) and International Peace Studies with specialization in Media, Peace and Conflict Studies (IPS-MPCS) programmes. She is a scholar-practitioner in the field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding with a focus on conflict, gender, identity and migration. She holds a Doctorate in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from The Jimmy and Rosslyn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, in Virginia, United States.  For this degree, she conducted extensive research on forced migration, conflict and the social integration of refugees in the Colombian-Ecuadorian borderlands and in inner cities in Ecuador. She is deeply committed to achieving positive social change through non-violent means and to strengthening social actors including grass-roots organizations, indigenous communities and minority groups through her research and practice. Adriana has taught courses at The Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University in Washington D.C., at Boston University and at the Simón Bolívar Andean University in Quito, Ecuador in conflict analysis, collaborative methodologies for building peace, mediation, identity conflicts, gender and migration.   

As a practitioner, Adriana has provided training for the Northern Virginia Mediation Center (as a Certified Instructor/Mediator) and for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Rediálogo and Oportunidades Acción Ciudadana (Venezuela) as well as for the Canadian Embassy in the Dominican Republic and the Observatory of Migration in the Caribbean (OBMICA). With more than fifteen years of experience in analyzing and transforming social conflicts, her professional practice has covered the Amazon basin, the Galapagos Islands and the Andean region (Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia), the United States, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Costa Rica. She has conducted research and collaborated with various public, grassroots and civil society organizations across the Americas and the Caribbean.





Directora y Profesora Asistente, Departamento de Estudios de Paz y Conflicto, Coordinadora Académica de los programas de Maestría en Estudios Internacionales de Paz y la Maestría en Estudios Internacionales de Paz con especialización en Estudios de Medios, Paz y Conflicto

La Dra. Adriana Salcedo actualmente se desempeña como Directora y Profesora Asistente del Departamento de Estudios de Paz y Conflicto de la Universidad para la Paz en Costa Rica. Además, es Coordinadora Académica de los programas de Maestría en Estudios Internacionales de Paz y la Maestría en Estudios Internacionales de Paz con especialización en Estudios de Medios, Paz y Conflicto, que ofrece este Departamento. 

La Dra. Adriana Salcedo es una profesional que combina la teoría y práctica en el campo de la transformación de conflictos y la construcción de la paz con un enfoque en conflictos, género, identidades y migración. Obtuvo su Doctorado en Análisis y Resolución de Conflictos de la Escuela de Análisis y Resolución de Conflictos de Jimmy and Rosslyn Carter de la Universidad George Mason, en Virginia, Estados Unidos. Para esto, realizó una extensa investigación sobre la migración forzada, los conflictos y la integración social de refugiados/as en las tierras fronterizas colombo-ecuatorianas y en las ciudades del interior de Ecuador. Está profundamente comprometida a lograr un cambio social positivo a través de medios no violentos y a fortalecer a los actores sociales a través de su investigación y práctica (principalmente organizaciones de base, las comunidades indígenas y los grupos minoritarios).

Adriana ha impartido cursos en la Escuela Carter para la Paz y la Resolución de Conflictos en la Universidad George Mason en Washington D.C, en la Universidad de Boston y en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar en Quito, Ecuador sobre análisis de conflictos, metodologías colaborativas para construcción de la paz, mediación, género y migración. Fue profesora visitante en el Departamento de Estudios de Paz y Conflicto de la Universidad para la Paz (UPAZ) en Costa Rica durante tres años consecutivos (2017-2019) antes de unirse a la UPAZ como profesora residente.

En su práctica profesional, Adriana ha brindado capacitación para el Centro de Mediación del Norte de Virginia (como Instructora / Mediadora Certificada) y para el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), Rediálogo y Oportunidades Acción Ciudadana (Venezuela), así como para la Embajada de Canadá en la República Dominicana y el Centro para la Observación Migratoria y el Desarrollo Social del Caribe (OBMICA). Con más de quince años de experiencia en el análisis y transformación de conflictos sociales, su práctica profesional ha cubierto la cuenca del Amazonas, las Islas Galápagos y la región andina (Ecuador, Colombia y Bolivia), los Estados Unidos, la República Dominicana y Haití. Ha realizado varias investigaciones y colaborado con varias instituciones públicas, privadas y de la sociedad civil en la región de las Américas y del Caribe.

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